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Sony Service Company
National Technical Services Service Bulletin
A Division of Sony Electronics Inc.
Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656 TV Products
Subject: List of Telematic Adapters for Sony TV Date: January 6, 1997

(****) What Telematic adapters should be used on the different Sony TV chassis?

Solution: Use the following table to choose the correct Telematic Adapter for Servicing Sony


Model Yoke CRT Vert Hor H.V. Foot Chassis
KV- 10J- 10J- Settin Settin Notes
g g
1770R 733 766 8 1.2 1, 9 P-3
1910 714 713 34 1.2 1 SCC-64
1910D 716 717 14 1.2 1 -100
1912 706 710 34 1.2 1 -204
1913-1918 706 710 8 1.9 1 -204
1920 714 713 34 1.2 1 -504
1920A & D 716 717 14 1.2 1 -100
1921 716 717 14 1.2 1 -100
1923 706 710 34 1.2 1 -321
1924 706 710 8 1.9 1 -265
1926, 29R 733 766 8 1.2 1, 9 P-3
1930R 714 713 34 1.2 1 SCC-64
1941 / 42R 716 717 14 1.2 1 -100
1943 / 44R 706 710 34 1.2 1 -422
1945R, 45RS 706 710 8 1.9 1 -265
1946R, 47R 706 710 8 1.9 1 -341, 342
1947RX, 48R 706 710 8 1.9 1 -406, 470


Reference: Revision 158R2 PRINTED IN USA

TV Products Service Bulletin No. 158R3

Model Yoke CRT Vert Hor. H.V. Foot Chassis
KV- 10J- 10J- Setting Setting Notes
1951 716 717 14 1.2 1 SCC-100
1952 706 710 8 1.9 1 -265
1952RS, 52RX 706 710 8 1.9 1 -453, 470
1953R 706 710 8 1.9 1 -265
1953RS, 53RX 706 710 8 1.9 1 -453
1954R, 55R 706 710 8 1.9 1 -470
1956R 706 710 8 1.9 1 -498
1957R, 58R 706 710 8 1.9 1 -470
1961 & 62 706 710 8 1.9 1 -470
1965 & 66 733 766 8 1.9 1 -552, 548
1967 733 766 8 1.2 1 -552
1970, 71R, 75 733 710 8 1.9 1 -552
1972, 73, 76 733 766 8 1.9 1 -548
1980R, 81, 95 733 710 8 1.9 1 -498
1990, 91 706 710 8 1.9 1 -470
1992R, 93R 733 710 8 1.9 1 -548
1996, 97, 98 733 766 8 1.9 1 -548
2071 733 766 8 1.9 1 -684
2075, 80, 84 733 766 8 1.9 1 -684
2090, 91, 93 733 766 8 1.9 1 -684
2094, 95 733 766 8 1.9 1 -A055
2101 716 717 14 1.2 1 -100
2041R, 42R 716 717 14 1.2 1 -100
20EXR10, 20 733 766 8 1.2 26 1,2,4,8 ANU-2
20M10, 733 766 8 1.2 26 1, 2 BA-2
20TR10-12, 21 733 766 8 1.2 26 1,2,4,8 P-3A
20TR22, TS27 733 766 8 1.2 26 1, 2 P-3B
20TR23 733 766 8 1.2 26 1, 2 BA-1
20TS10-13 733 766 8 1.2 26 1,2,4,8 P-3A
20TS20-24, 733 766 8 1.2 26 1,2,4,8 P-3A
20TS28, 30 733 766 8 1.2 26 1,2,4,8 P-3A
20TS29, 32,50 733 766 8 1.2 26 1, 2 BA-1
20TX10, 11 733 766 8 1.2 26 1,2,4,8 P-3A
20V50 733 766 8 1.2 26 1, 2 BA-1
KV-20VM20 Not to be used with the Jig
2145R, 56R 706 717 14 1.2 1 -355
Model Yoke CRT Vert Hor H.V. Foot Chassis
KV- 10J- 10J- Setting Setting Notes
TV Products Service Bulletin No. 158R3

2601 709 707 14 1.9 1, 9 -205
2602 708 707 14 1.2 1, 9 -338
2625R, 26R 733 707 14 1.2 1, 9 P-3
2643R, 44R 709 707 14 1.9 1, 9 SCC-548J
2645R, 45RS 709 707 14 1.9 1, 9 -267
2647R, 47RX 708 707 14 1.2 1, 9 30P
2648R, 49R, 708 707 14 1.2 1, 9 30P
2650R, 50RX, 708 707 14 1.2 1, 9 30P
2657R 708 707 8 1.2 1, 9 30P
2665, 70R 733 707 14 1.2 1, 9 P-3
2675R, 80R 733 707 14 1.2 1, 9 P-3
2690R, 91R 733 707 14 1.2 1, 9 P-3
2681R 708 707 14 1.2 1, 9 P-3
2697R 733 707 14 1.2 1, 9 P-3
2725, 26 28,29 733 766 8 1.2 1, 9 P-3
2730R, 35R, 733 766 8 1.2 1, 9 P-3
2771R, 75R 733 766 8 1.2 1, 9 P-3
2780R, 81R, 733 766 8 1.2 1, 9 P-3
2783R, 84R 733 766 8 1.2 1, 9 P-3
2785R 4002 766 2 .22 1,2,4,8 P-3A
2786R, 88R 733 766 8 1.2 1,2,4,8 P-3A
2789R, 90R 733 766 8 1.2 1, 9 P-3
2791R, 92R 733 766 8 1.2 1, 9 P-3
2793R,94,95R 733 766 8 1.2 1, 9 P-3
27AVR 733 766 8 1.2 1, 9 P-3
27DS1, 2 733 766 8 1.2 1, 9 P-3
27DS20, 21,22 4002 766 2 .22 26 1, 9 P-3
27DS23, 24 4002 766 2 .22 26 1, 9 P-3
27EXR10, 15 4014 766 3 .61 26 2, 3, 8 ANU-2
27EXR20, 25 4014 766 3 .61 26 2, 3, 8 ANU-2
27EXR90, 95 4014 766 3 .61 26 2, 3, 8 ANU-2
27FX10 no adaptor
27HFR 733 766 8 1.2 2,3,5,8 ANU-1
27HSR10 4014 766 3 .61 26 2,3,5,8 ANU-1
27S10, 15 4002 766 2 .22 26 2,3,5, AA-1
TV Products Service Bulletin No. 158R3

Model Yoke CRT Vertical Hor. HV Foot Chassis
KV- 10J 10J- Setting Settng Notes
s s
27S20, 25, 35 4002 766 2 .22 26 2,3,5,8 AA-2
27SXR10, 11 4001 766 2 .45 26 3,4,5,8 P-2B
27TR10 4002 766 2 .22 26 2, 4, 8 P-3A
27TR20,21, 22 4002 766 2 .22 26 2, 4, 8 P-3A
27TS11 4002 766 2 .22 26 2, 4, 8 P-3A
27TS20,21,22, 4002 766 2 .22 26 1,2,4,8 P-3A
23, 24, 25, 26
27TS30 4002 766 2 .22 26 1,2,4,8 P-3A
27TS27,31,35 4014 766 3 .61 26 2, 5, 8 LN-1
27TS29,32,36 4002 766 2 .22 26 2,3,5,8 AA-1
27TW28 4002 766 2 .22 26 2,3,5,8 AA-1
27TW70, 71 4002 766 2 .22 26 1,2,4,8 P-3A
27TW75, 76 4002 766 2 .22 26 2, 5, 8 LN-1
27TW77,78 4001 766 3 .61 27 2,3,5,8 AA-1
27TX10,11,12 733 766 8 .61 1,2,4,8,10 P-3A
27TX13 4002 766 2 .22 26 1,2,4,8 P-3A
27TX20, 40 4002 766 2 .22 26 1,2,4,8 P-3A
27V10, V15, 4014 766 3 .61 27 2,3,5,8 AA-1
27V20, V25, 4002 766 2 .22 26 2,3,5,8 AA-2
27XBR10, 15, 4014 766 3 .61 26 2,3,5,8,10 ANU-1
27XBR25, 26 4014 836 3 .61 26 6, 7, 8 FN
27XBR35, 36 4014 836 3 .61 26 6, 7, 8 FN
27XBR37 4001 766 3 .61 27 2,3,5,8 AA-1
27XBR45 4014 766 3 .61 30 2,3,5,8 AA-1A
27XBR50, 60 4014 766 3 .61 26 2,3,5,8.10 ANU-1
27XBR51, 55 4014 766 3 .61 26 2,3,5,8, 10 ANU-1A
27XBR65 4014 766 3 .61 26 2,3,5,8,10 ANU1
27XBR95S 4014 836 3 .61 26 6, 7, 8 FN
27XBR96S 4014 836 3 .61 26 6, 7, 8 FN
29XBR85 4014 766 3 .61 26 2,3,5,8,10 AU-1A
KV3000 no adapto
32CX10 4001 766 2 .45 25 3,4,5,8,10 P-2B
32HSR10 4014 766 3 .61 26 2,3,5,8,10 ANU-1
32SXR10 4001 766 2 .45 25 3,4,5,8,10 P-2B
32S10, 12, 4014 766 3 .61 26 2,3,5,8 AA-1
15, 16
32S20, 25, 35 4014 766 3 .61 26 2,3,5,8 AA-2
TV Products Service Bulletin No. 158R3

Model Yoke CRT Vertica Hor. HV Foot Chassi
KV- 10J 10J- l Settng Notes s
Setting s
32TS20, 4014 766 3 .61 26 3,5, 8 LN-1
32TS36, 46 4014 766 3 .61 26 2 3,5,8 AA-1
32TW25 4001 766 3 .61 27 2,3,5,8 AA-2
32TW67, 4014 766 3 .61 26 2, 3, 8 LN-1
68, 75, 76
32TW77, 78 4014 766 3 .61 26 2,3,5,8 AA-1
32V15, 4014 766 3 .61 26 2,3,5,8 AA-1
32V25,35 4001 766 3 .61 27 2,3,5,8 AA-2
32XBR10, 15 4014 766 3 .61 26 2,3,5,8,10 ANU-1
32XBR25, 26 4014 766 3 .61 27 6, 7, 8 FN
32XBR35, 36 4014 766 3 .61 27 6, 7, 8 FN
32XBR37, 45 4014 766 3 .61 30 2,3,5,8 AA-1
32XBR50, 60 4014 766 3 .61 26 2,3,5,8,10 ANU-1
32XBR51,.55 4014 766 3 .61 26 2,3,5,8 ANU-1
32XBR65, 70 4014 766 3 .61 26 2,3,5,8 ANU-1
32XBR75 4014 766 3 .61 26 2,3,5,8 ANU-1
32XBR76 4014 766 3 .61 26 6, 7, 8 FN
32XBR85 4014 766 3 .61 30 2,3,5,8 AA1-A
32XBR90S 4014 836 3 .61 27 6, 7, 8 FN
32XBR95S 4014 836 3 .61 27 6, 7, 8 FN
32XBR96S 4014 836 3 .61 27 6, 7, 8 FN
32XBR100 4014 836 3 .61 30 6, 7, 8 DA-1
35V35 1014 766 3 .61 29 6, 7 AA-2
35V75 1014 766 3 .61 29 6, 7 AA-2

TV Products Service Bulletin No. 158R3


1. Use Anode Adapter 10J-711 or 10J-817
Note: Anode Adapter 10J-711 or 10J-817 is not required on the newer Test
Jigs that have a hooded alligator clip on the end of the Anode Lead.
2. Slight compression on the right side.
3. Bowing top, bottom, sides due to lack of Pin Cushioning circuit on Jig.
If bowed out pin cushioning is working, if bowed in pin circuit
4. Ground negative end of "Stat" resistor assembly.
5. Slight over sweep.
6. Slight bow on sides.
7. Slightly underscanned vertically.
8. In order to use the 10J-4002 or 10J-4014 or any 10J-4000 series
adapters, you must first equip your Test Jig with the 10J-4000
Impedance Matching System.
9. Jump G1 to G1 on the CRT socket assembly.
10 Make sure L501 was not damaged impedance should read 7.5UH.

In order to use the 10J4014 or any other 10J-4000 series Adapter, you
must first equip your Test Jig with a 10J-4000 Impedance Matching
Ground Test Jig 10J-106, FVS-350 and 10J-4000 Impedance Matcher.
Ground negative end of High Voltage Block Resistor Assembly when
Follow Manufacture's instructions for Safety Related Adjustments.
Anode Adapter 711 or 817 is not required on the newer Test Jigs that
have a hooded alligator clip at the end of the Anode Cable.
Keep all adapters and cables away from the microprocessor.
If a resistor or choke is in series with the TV CRT Filament jump the
resistor or choke with a 0.5 ohm 5 watt resistor. Remove jumper before
returning the set.

For further information on test Jigs and adapters contact:

Telematic Corp.
108-02 Otis Ave
Corona, NY 11368
Tel (718) 271-5200