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Sony Service Company
National Technical Services Service Bulletin
A Division of Sony Electronics Inc.
Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656 TV Products

Model: KV-36XBR400 No. 532
Subject: Hole For TV Stand Strap Missing From Rear Date: April 27, 2001

(116B) On limited production, the rear cover is missing a hole for securing a TV stand strap
with a screw. The TV still meets the minimum standard for stability even when a
strap is not used.

Solution: If the customer complains that there is no screw hole for securing a TV stand strap,
follow the procedure below.

1- Remove the rear cover from the TV. Attempting to add the screw hole to the
cover while it is attached to the TV will likely result in internal damage!

2 - Referring to the pictures below, use a 1/8" drill bit (suitable for drilling through
plastic) to drill a hole completely through the appropriate area of the rear cover. Be
sure to drill the hole straight, not at an angle. Drill from the outside of the cover.

Sets possibly affected: serial number range 9068000 - 9081924 Not all sets in this
range are missing the screw hole.

Drill 1/8" hole here. Rear cover after 1/8" hole is drilled.

Reference: SBR0136 PRINTED IN USA