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Samsung ER-2710 Service Information Quick Guide
Memory Clear
1. 2. 3. Turn main power switch on the right side of the register to "OFF". Turn the key marked "OW" to the blank position, one position clockwise past the "P" position. Hold down the 00 key on the keyboard, and continue to hold it down while turning the power switch on. Continue to hold the 00 key until the register stops printing and the display reads "0.00".

Date/Time Program
Turn the key lock to the "P" position.

Straight Percentage Tax Program
When tax requirements may be met using a straight percentage, use the following method to program a tax as a straight percentage. Refer to the ER-2710 Operation and Program manual for detailed instructions for setting tax tables. BE SURE TO PRESS THE DECIMAL KEY WHEN ENTERING THE RATE. Turn the key lock to the "P" position.

Set # of Departments on Keyboard
1. 2. 3. Turn the key lock to the "P" position. Enter 20, press VAL. Enter 0 for 10 depts, or 1 for 5 depts, press SUBTOTAL.

Department Programming
1. 2. 3. Turn the key lock to the "P" position. Press Department to Program. For open positive department, enter the HALO (0= No entry limit), press R/A. OR, For open negative department, enter the HALO (0= No entry limit), press P/O. OR, For positive preset department, enter the preset price (up to 6 digits) press % 1. OR, For negative preset department, enter the preset price (up to 6 digits) press % 2. Enter activity count code: 0= resettable count ­ counts up 1= non-resettable count ­ counts up 2= resettable count ­ counts down 3= non-resettable count ­ counts down Enter a four-digit activity count, press X/TIME. Enter two-digit department options from the chart, press SUBTOTAL. Press CASH to finalize.


5. 6. 7.

PLU Programming
1. 2. 3. Turn the key lock to the "P" position. Enter PLU # (1-300), Press the PLU key. For open positive PLU, enter the HALO (0= No entry limit), press R/A. OR, For open negative PLU, enter the HALO (0= No entry limit), press P/O. OR, For positive preset PLU, enter the preset price (up to 6 digits) press % 1. OR, For negative preset PLU, enter the preset price (up to 6 digits) press % 2. Enter activity count code: 0= resettable count ­ counts up 1= non-resettable count ­ counts up 2= resettable count ­ counts down 3= non-resettable count ­ counts down Enter a four-digit activity count, press X/TIME. If you wish to link the registration of this PLU to another PLU, enter the link PLU# and press #/NS. Enter two-digit department options from the chart, press SUBTOTAL. Press CASH to finalize.


5. 6. 7. 8.

% Key Programming
1. 2. 3. Turn the key lock to the "P" position. Press the % key you wish to program. If key is to be percentage key, enter the rate two digits beyond the decimal (i.e. 5% = 0500; 20% = 2000), press #NS. OR, If the key is to be preset amount coupon key, enter the 4-digit amount, press X/TIME. OR, If the key is to be a open amount coupon key, enter the HALO digit(1-4), press P/O. Enter the three-digit option from the chart below, press SUBTOTAL. Press CASH to finalize each % key's program.
DIGIT 1 Options Item discount/surcharge Sale discount/surcharge Tax 1 calculated before discount Tax 1 calculated after discount Tax 2 calculated before discount Tax 2 calculated after discount 2 Key is % key Key is Amount key 3 Key is negative Key is positive (only % key can be positive) Key is inactive VALUE =0 =1 =0 =2 =0 =4 =0 =1 =0 =1 =8 (C) (A+B+C) (B) (A) = SUM

4. 5.