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F'orm Y28 2039-

Program Logic

IBM System/360 Time Sharing System
Independent Utilities
Program Logic Manual

This publication deGcribes the internal logic of the
IBM SystEm/360 Time hdring ;;ystem (TSS/360)
ndent Util P

Program logic manua are intended for use by IBM
customer involved in program maintenance and
by system programmers involved in altering program
design. Program logic information is not necessary for
program opera tion and use.

This publication describes the internal familiarity with overall TSS/360 techniques
logic of the TSS/360 Indepcnnent Utility dnd terminology, as contained in:

Direct-~ccess storage Device IBM System/360 Time Sharing System:
Initialization (DASDI) program, concepts and Facilities, Form
Dump/Restore (DASDDR) program,

Direct-Access Pr int (DADU['~P) program, IBM System/360 Time Sharin~y~tem:
Independent Utilities, Form C28-20
System/360 Model 67 Core ,JUIrp program,
IBM System/360 Time Sharing System:
System/360 VAM 2 Utili ty ProgralT'. System Messages, Form C28-2037

Each program is a self-contained module, IBM System/360 Time Sharing System:
having its own I/O supervisory routines. System Control Blocks Program Logic
Accordingly, each section of this Manual, Form Y28-2011
publication is devoted to one proqranlo
IBM System/360 Time Sharing System:
The manual is intended for IBM service System Generation and Maintenance
and maintenance personnel, and requires Program Logic Manual, Form Y28- 201

Fourth Edition (January 1970)

This is a rna jar revision of, and rrrakes
Y28-2039-2. This edition reflects changes
Version 6, Modification 0, of IBM 3ystem/360
System, including the VAF 2 Utilit.y Program,
This edition is current with Version 6, Modification v,
and remains in effect for all l'OubsE:quent versions or
modifications of IBM System/360 Time
otherwise indicated. Significant chi,:oges provicle::l in
new editions or Technical Ne'"lsletters. Before using t
publication in connection wit h the of I HM
refer to the latest edition of
System: Addendum, Form ,
publications that are applicable and current.

Changes to the text are indicated as follows:

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number or caption anct
of an illustration) its entirety.

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This publication was prepared for production using an IBM
computer to update the text and to control the and line
format. Page impressions for photo-offset were
obtained from an IBM 11103 Printer \lsinq a specia 1 IJlint
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A form is provided at the back of this publication for
reader fS comments. If the form haL: been comm<"nts
may be addressed to the IBM corporation, Time
System/360 Programming Pllblicatiomj, Department_ 643,
Neighborhood Road, Kingston, N.Y. 12401
Cl Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1967,
1968, 1969, 1970