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Input Xesl3t3ncs
Zero Adjust
Zero Drift
Response Speed
Input Rejection
In-Phase Rejection
Tube Complement
Accessories Supplied


Operating Control3
Preliminary Set Up
Input Circuit
AC Amplifier
Demodulator Circuit
DC Amplifier
Loop Description
Power Supply
Trouble Shooting Procedure
Replaceable Part3 List
Voltage Resistance Diagram
Circuit Schematic



The Keithley Model 151 Null Detector is a stable, low-level DC
amolimwith high-~<~utesistance and low noise. Careful shielding.
fiitering, and gu&di.nk permit floating operation, as in a bridge nuli-
detector, with excellent rejection to extraneous voltages.
With a power sensitivity of lo-l7 watt, a re3pon3e speed of ""3
second, lack of overshoot and a zero-centered meter, the 151 may be used
,;n applications Inhere a suspension galvanometer might be employed, or
in other applicaticns where a galvanometer is not sufficiently sensitive,
fast or rugged.
Five non-linear ranges are provided which have the same center-
scale sensitiv'ty as the linear ranges, but are compressed in a quasi-
logarithmi: way to three decade3 on each range. The3.e range3 permit
speedier null-searching th3.n the l~inear scales, without sncrlfizing
sensitivity at null.
Two zero controls for opera 2.r.d short-circuit inputs ai~low prop3r
zeroin,- for any Source resistance even in the presence of Bridge thermal
emfts eliminating the need for disconnecting bri~di=e voltage cc set zerr).
Although de?-:gned for nu?l detector applications, the Model 151 is
also useful as a dc voltmeter with 3 maximum full-scale sensi~isi~y ?f
100 microvolt3 and as an ,ammeter with a maxlm::m full-s,x1e ren:ii~tivL::.
of 10 micro-microamperes.

The 151 has i full-scale ouL.out of 10 volts at up to one mlliiamperc.
Thiv is sufficient Lo drive one milliar5~ere reco!.ders 'ii .well as ~iervo-
rebalance recorder3 and oscilloscopes.





Linear: 0.1 millivolt full scale to 10 volts on zer*-center meter. ILL overLappin,:
ranges in lx and 3x steps.
Non Linear: Five ranges of 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0 and 10 volts full scal.c, eaci1 covering
3 decades.


Linear ranges: +3% of full scale exclusive OE noise and drift.
Non-linear ranges: ?lO% of input exclusive of noise and drift

ZERO DRIFT: Less than 10 microvolts per day after 30-minute warm-up.

INPUT NOISE (with input shorted): Less than 2% of fui.1 scale on ~11 r;,,r::cs

INPUT RESISTANCE: 10 megohms on all ranges.


COMMON MODE REJECTION: With l-megohm source resistance. dc:5,000,000:1. l.i~,le rriqut,ncv:

ISOLATION: Circuit ground to chassis ground: Approximately 109 ohins ijllillted 5'; ll.i!L
microfarad. Circuit ground may be floated up to ?500 volts dc or ~p~!ak:chassis ground.

RISE TIME (10% to 90%): Approximately L second on all ranges.

OVERVOLTAGE: 200 volts steady, 400 volts transient

ZERO ADJUST: For both open and short-circuit inputs.


Output: ?lO volts dc at up to 1 milliampere for full-scale meter deflection.
Resistance: Less than 50 ohms within the amplifier pass band.

Gain on linear ranges: 10 volts
Range setting in volts
LINE STABILITY: A 10% change in line voltage will cause less than a 2,X of full-scale
shift on all ranges.

CONNECTORS: Input: Binding posts. output: Amphenol 80-PC2F.

POWER: LOS-125 or 210-250 volts, 60 cps, 50 watts. 50-cps models available.

DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT: 10 inches high x 6-l/2 inches wide x 8-l/2 inches deep; net wcighc,
11-l/2 pounds. I
ACCESSORIES SUPPLIED: Mating output connector.

0166R II-1

The operating controls of the Model 151 are listed below:

RANGESWITCH: Selects both the linear and the logarithmic ranges.

SHORT CIRCUIT ZERO: Sets the meter zero ,with the input shorted.
This control compensates for thermal EMF's in
the connected circuit and the amplifier input.

OPEN CIRCUIT ZERO: Sets the meter zero with open or high resistance
input. This control compensates for an:, leakage
currents present in the external circuit.

Connectto the power line. Unless otherwise marked, the unit is wired Co.-
117 v., 60 cps power. To convert to 220 volt and/or 50 cps operation,
consult MAINTENANCEsection. A three-wire line cord is furnished which
grounds the cabinet. If a three-wire receptacle is not available, use
the two pin adapter furnished, and ground the third lead to an external
ground for the best operation. If open circuit unbalance is encountered,
reverse line cord.
Set the range switch to the 10 volt linear range. Xrn on the power.
In about 30 seconds the meter will zero. Short the input and turn to the
.1 millivolt range. Zero the meter with the SHORT CIXCUIT ZERO. Open
the input and zero the meter with the OPEN CIRCUIT ZERO. In the first
30 minutes of operation some zero drift may occur and it may be desirable
to reset the zeros.

The stability of the Model 151 is such that, after 30 minutes of operation,
only infrequent attention need be given to either zero co::trol except
occasionally on the most sensitive ranges. The twc zero controls, however,
allow the user to maintain a constant zero with varying input resistances.
The short circuit zero bucks ou,t low impedance voltages such as generated
by thermal EMF's. The open circuit zero is a current buckout control for
balancing any current generated by chemical effects or leakage. In normal
practice, if zeroing is required, the SHOR CIRCUIT ZERO is sufficient.
However, in the case of a critical null balance application where it is
necessaw to eliminate zero shifi; over a range of inuut re4istances, this
can be assured by balancing the null detectcr using i,ne SHORT CIRCIJIT
ZiTiO at the lowest impedance involved and the OPEN CIHCIIIT ZERO at. the
hiphest impedance involved.

0763 III - 1

The input resistance of the Model 151 is 10 megohms, within 5% on the
most sensitive range and within 1% on all ether ranges. Other than the
consideration of circL.'.t loading and speed of respcnse (See F.), there
are no source impedance restrictions.

Since the input resistance is a constant 10 megohms, ibe Model 151 may
bt- used '.? measure current with a maximum sensitivity of lo-11 amperes
full scale. Since the tolerance cn input resistance is 5% on the mcst
sensitive range, an accuracy of about 7% can be expected there. On
all other ranpes an accuracy of k% is possible.

The specification in Section II is for low impedance input. With an
open-circuit input, speed is about 5 seconds to 90% of final value.


The specification for 60 cps rejection are given in Section II. The
rejection is high enough so that usually no precautions are necessary
with regard to 60 cps pick-up. While the input filter is specially
peaked at 60 cps for maximum rejection, there is sufficient rejection
at other harmonics to make pickup troubles unlikely.
The common mode rejection to DC as well as 60 cps is extremely high in
the Model151 as spwified in Section II. The instrument will operate
with no difficulty up to 500 volts from pround. For floating cperation,
remove the shorting link between the LO and G terminals at the front of
the instrument.

The output at the recorder terminals for ful; scale is 10 ~clts at up to
1 milliampere. Since the output has a common ground with the input, when
recording, either the Model 151 must be grounded or the recorder input
capable of being floated. It shoud be remembered that, with a recorder
COMected to the output, the system rejection will be no better than that
of the recorder.

III - 2

The Model 151 is a narrow-band chopper amplifier employing negative feed-
back to stabilize the gain and increase the input resistance.

The input circuit contains the dc to ac modulator, the range Switch, and
input filter to reject spurious ac Signals, and the zero controls.
The modulator used in the Model 151 employs two photoconductive cells PD 101
and PD 102 (refer to circuit schematic diagram at the rear of this manual)
which are alternately switched by two neon lamps NE 101 and NE 102 operated
from the ac line. The action is similar to a Single-pole double-throw
mechanical chopper with the result that the dc input is converted into an
ac signal.

Spurious ac signals are prevented from entering the input by meanS of a
low-pass filter consisting o,f RlO8 and ClOL and a "twin-tee" filter con-
sisting of RlOl +,;lrough R105 and Cl01 through Cl03 which is tuned to the
line frequency. RlOh and R102 are set at the factory for maximum rejection
to line frequenc,v.
Below 10 millivolts, the sensitivity is changed by altering the feedback
factor. Above 10 millivolts an input divider is used. The l~nput divider
is formed by R153 through Rl59. The total resistance of this divider is
10 megohms which is always across the input.

The zeroing circuits consist of batteries MO1 and MO2 and resistors
Rl38 through Rlir8. R139 together with Rl38 and the bias batteries form
a current source which bucks out any spurious currents appearing at the
invut. Rlk8 and either R1117 or Rlb8, depending on range, place a voltage
in series with the low side of the modulator and buck-out any spurious
EMF's appearing at the ingut.
As indicated on the circuit schematic, critical parts of the input circuit
are surrounded by a Separate shield connected to the LO terminal. This
shield largely accounts for the high in-phase rejection.


The AC amplifier consists of Vl and V2. The total gsin is approximately
500,000. The first stage tube is not Specially selected, although a tube
may have to be rejected for excessive hum pick-up which results in exces-
sive zero offset. Due to the excellent internal shielding of the first
stage tube, it is not necessary to use dc on the first stage filament.
The time constants of the amplifier are selected to give as narrow a
paSs-band as possible around the carrier frequency. ,

IV- 1

The demodulator circuit employs a four-diode bridge circuit with silicon
diodes. A balanced configuration is used so that careful balance of the
transformer secondary is not necessary.
The demodulator is driven synchronously with the neon lamps which witch
the input modulator. The modulator output is a pulsating dc signal
which is fed through R119 to the input grid of the dc amplifier.


The dc amplifier is required for two reasons. At the carrier frequency,
the dc amplifier is a feed back integrator. The integrating capacitor,
C115, is in a local feedback loop from output cathods to input grid.
The gain of the dc amplifier is about 500 so that the value of Cl15 is
effectively multiplied by 500, eliminating the need for a large value
of capacity for filtering. At dc, the demodulated signal is amplified,
increasing the loop gain by about 500. This additional feedback results
in a ver.v high input resistance for the null-detector. Exclusive of the
divider, the input resistance is in excess of 300 megohms on most ranges.

The dc amplifier circuit is conventional and consists of V3 connected as
a differential amplifier, Vb used as a dc an.7lifier, and the output cathode-
follow@r. Rl28, DC AMP BAL, adjusts the balance of the dc amplifier.
Once set, this control requires very infrequent adjustment. A misadjust-
ment is evident if, on the 10~ log range the meter is not exactly on zero.
Sections of the amplifier are combined. The input fil.ter re-
moves any high frequency components from the input signal.
The modulator converts the filtered dc signal to ac, which is amplified
by the ac amplifier. The output of the ac amplifier is converted into a
pulsating dc signal filtered by the dc amplifier acting as an integrator,
and further amplified by the dc amplifier.
The output signal is fed back to the input by means of ~160 through R16h
and Rlh9 through Rl52. The feedback is applied to the low end of PD102,
the modulator diode. Applying feedback at this point not only stabilizes
the gain, but raises the input resistance Vera substantially.
The sensitivity is changed from .l millivolt to 10 millivolts by changing
the feedback factor. An input divider is used above 10 millivolts.
The ~*logarithmicfl ranges are obtained through the use of a non-linear
"thyrite" resistor Pi166 in the feedback loop.

IV - 2
On some ranges, when the feedback factor becomes too large, it is necessary
to decrease the gain of the ac amplifier. This is done by shunting pin
7 of Q2 to ground with a small value of resistance, ~167.

Despite the high sensitivity, no regulation is employed in the power supply,
The plus and minus supplies are derived from standard rectifier-filter
transformer ccmbinst!.cn. Points 'X nnd V on the eame transformer winding
are used to drive the modulator and demodulator.

IV - 3


The only periodic maintenance the Model 151 requires is replacement OC
EKDl and BAXZ, the zero set batteries, at inter-&Is of about two or three
years. If the zeroing controls become inoperative, the batteries need

The modulator and other components have an indefinite life and should
not be tampered with unless there is a failure.

If the instrument is inoperative but replacement of tubes doe:: not cure
the trouble, the following step-by-step procedure is indicated.
1. Check the S-plus and B-minus voltages at the junctions of R170,
C120-B and R171, C119B. These should agree within about
of the voltages indirated on the schematic. If these arelOg
markedly different, check the fuse and 'hen the ac voltage frcm
the transformer (about '23i.~v to ground). Then check the selenium
rectifiers and the filter capacitors.
2. If the proper voltages are present in the power supply

a. Remove V-h, the 12AT7, from its socket, sh.crt the clltcut
terminals and the input termi.nals.
5. Connec' an oscillosope to the plate of W-B (pin 6).
Rotate the SHORT CIRCLTIT ZERO to one end of its travels.
If the ac amplifier is functioning and the bias batteries
BAl and BA2 are providing voltage, a 60 cps carrier signal,
proportional Ian amplitudeto the rotati.on of the potentic-
meter (until the amplifier saturates), should be seen.
By returning the short circcit zero con'~.rcl tr midymsition,
it should be possible to reduce the signal ir i.he point
where it disappears 51; the fi~rst stage tube n, i~se. If
th4.s occurs, the ac amplifier is functioning. Proceed
:n the instructions in paragraph D.

C. If there is an ac signal present at the output which is
not affected by the short-circuit zero control, short
pin 9 of V-l to ground. You will have to remove the in-
put stage shield to do this. Replace it when 0bserv:r.g
the output with the oscilloscope cn pin 6 of V-2. If the
signal is no longer present and just background tube noise
is seen, either the modulator is defective yr the input cir-
cuit is open somewhere between Cl05 and the input terminals.

If shorti.ng the grid does not remove the ac signal, move
the short to the grid of V-21 (pin 2). If the hum now
disappears, either Vl is defective, Cl07 is open, or there
is excessive hum in B-plus. If the hum does not disappear,
V2 is defective or there is excessive hum in the power
supply. (At the plus terminal of ClO6, the hum should be
less than 100 microvolts RMS. At the plus termi.nal of
C12OA it should be less than 5 millivolts RMS).
If the signal still persists, remove V2 from its socket
and short pin 2 or V3 to grcund. The residual signal from
the demodulator should not exceed about 1 volt, peak to
peak. If the signal seen is still very large, replace
defective diodes RFlCs through 108. (The diodes are rated
tc pass about 1 milliampere at a five volt forward voltage
and should have about a 100 megohm back resistance).

It is also possible that the siganl observed at the plate
of V2B will be very small in amplitude and not affected
by the short-circuited zero control. In this case either
Vl or V2 is not amplifying. To check this, place the
oscilloscope at high sensitivity at the plate of Vl (pin 6)
and rotate the short circuit ZCI`O control. If the signal
appears and is capable of being nulled, V2B ins at fault.
Once the defective amplifier stage is located, the operat-
ing points may be checked against the Voltage-Resistance
Diagram at the rear of the manual, and the defect located.

d. If no defect has been found in the ac amplifier or Ci.5
demodull.:c?, replace V& and unshort the output. Short
pin 2 of V3 to ground. Locate Rl28 (DC AMP BAL). On
the bench model, this control is accessible from the rear;
on the rack model, the control is located on a ceramic
board to the left rear of the instrument. If the dc am-
plifier is functioning it: will'be'possible to swing the
meter pointer through zero and against both stops, al-
though the action of the control will be very coarse.
If it is not possible to swing through zero, measure the
voltage at pin 6 of V3B. When varying R128, this voltage
should swing through 100 volts. If it will not pass
through 100 volts of the resistors associated with the
stage have changed value. Check according to the sche-
matic and the Voltage-Resistance Diagram.


If the plate of V3 can be moved as indicated, move the
voltmeter to pin 2 of VhA. The voltage should pass
through zero as R128 is varied, and at least 20 volts
in the negative direction. In the positive direction,
the grid will be damped by draming grid current a few
tenths of a volt above zero. If the above is not pos-
sible, check R129, or the voltage across C119-C
(about 270~).

Now ineaaurc Vh, pin 1. This voltage should also swing
through 100 volts. If not, check as for the previous
Finally check pin 7 of VU. Since this is the cutput
cathode follower it should swing both plus and minus
at least 20 volts upon ma.*ipu1ati0* of Rl28. If it
does not, either V&B is defective or FU3h is open.
e. In some cases, the instrument acts as if It Is extremely
sensitive, and a signal much smaller than the normal
full scale signal drives the output full scale.

The cause in this case is lack of negative feedback from
the output to the input. It may only occur on some
ranges. It is probably due either to a defective switch
contact or a" open feedback resistor, breaking the fecd-
back loop. It must be traced by checking with the sche-
matic and locating the resistors in question.



Desig. Description Part No.

BA-101 Battery, Mercury aergizer, 1.34V (Mau0x-y FN-lZRT-Z)BA-11
BA-102 Battery, Mercury energizer, 1.34V (Mallory RM-~~RT-~)BA-~~
c-101 .047 mfd. Mylar 200 v. 5% Capacitor c47-.047

c-102 Sames *s c-101

c-103 .l mfd. Mylar 200 v. S% capacitor c47-.l

c-104 .l mfd. Mylar 200 v. 20% Capacitor C6G.l

c-105 Same as C-104

C-106 40 mfd. Dry Electrolytic capacitor C27-40

c-107 200 mfd. Electrolytic Upright, Capacitor C48-200

C-108 .l mfd. Paper Metalized capacitor ClS-.l

c-109 .02 mfd. Ceramic Disc. Capacitor c22-.02

c-110 2.0 mfd. Metal Tubular capacitor c39-2

c-111 .Ol mfd. Ceramic Disc. Capacitor c22-.Ol

c-112 Same *B C-111

c-113 Same *s C-110

c-114 Same 88 C-108

c-115 .047 mfd. Mylar 200 v. 2O?i capacitor C66-.047

C-116 .OOl mfd. Ceramic Disc. capacitor c220.001

c-117 .0047 mfd. Ceramic Disc. capacitor C22-,005

C-118 Same 88 C-116

C-119-A 30.0 mfd. Upright Can, Twist Lock Capacitor C52-30/30/30

C-119-B Same 88 C-119-A

c-119-c Same as C-119-A



Desig. Description Part No.
C-120-A 40.0 mfd. Electrolytic Upright Can capacitor C33-40/40/20

C-120-B Same as C-120-A

c-120-c 20.0 mfd. Electrolytic Upright Can Capacitor C33-40/40/20

c-121 Same as c-109

FU-1 Fuse, ; ampere - 3AG m-4
ME-1 Meter for Model 151 ha-21

ME-1 Meter for Model 151-R ME-22

ME-1 Meter for Model 151-C ME-32

NE-101 #1510, Light Modulator cv-4

NE-102 #1510, Light Modulator cv-4

PL-1 Pilot Light PL-8

R-101 25K. Deposited Carbon, 4 watt, 1% Resistor R12-25K
For 50 cycle Operation, RlOl is 30K

R-102 10K. Composition, Slotted Shaft Potentiometer RPlG-1OK

R-103 48X. Deposited Carbon, 4 watt, 1% Resistor R12-48K

R-104 20K. Canbe&, k watt Potentiometer RP7-20K
R-105 54K. Deposited Carbon, ij watt, 1% Resistor R12-54K
for 50 cycle Operation, R105 is 65K

R-106 333K. Deposited Carbon, k watt, 1% Resistor R12-333K

R-107 18K.Ohm composition, * watt, 10% Resistor Rl-18K
R-108 390K. ohm Composition, 4 watt, 104. Resistor Rl-390K
R-109 1M. Deposited Carbon, + watt, 1% Resistor R12-1M

R-110 5 Wire Wound, 5 watt, 3% Resistor R4A-5

VI-2 O-&R

Desig. Description Part No.

R-111 220 K ohm composition, gw. 10% Resistor Rl-22OK

R-112 3.33 M ohm Deposited Carbon, $w. 1% Resistor RlZ-3.33K

R-113 1 M ohm - Same as R-109

R-114 4.7 K ohm Composition, kw. 10% Resistor Ill-4.7K

R-l.15 1 M ohm Composition, kw. 10% Resistor $l-lbl

R-116 Same 8s R-115

R-117 47 K ohm Composition, fw. 1% Resistor Rl-47K

R-118 Same as R-115

R-119 same as R-130

R-120 Same as R-114

R-121 100 K ohm Composition, SW. 10% Resistor Rl-100K

R-122 Same as R-121

K-123 Same 89 R-121

R-124 15 K ohm Composition, fw. 1% Resistor Rl-15K

R-125 470 K ohm Composition, kw. 10% Resistor Rl-470K

R-126 .5M ohm Deposited Carbon, +w. 1% Resistor RlZ-500K

R-127 50 K ohm Deposited Carbon, +w. 1% Resistor R12-50K

R-128 100 K ohm resistor is combined with ~-1.65 as & dual unit.

R-129 Same *s R-109

R-130 2.2 M ohm Deposited Carbon, 4~. 1% Resistor R12-2.2hl

R-131 100 K ohm Deposited Carbon, &. 1% Resistor RLZ-100K

X-132 Same as R-109

R-133 Same as R-130

R-134 50 K ohm Wire Wound, 5 watt Resistor ' R4-50K

R-135 22 K ohm Composition, 4~. 10% Resistor Rl-22K

0564R VI-3

Desig. Description Part No.

R-136 94.5 K ohm Deposited Carbon, fw. 1% Resistor ill'&94.5K

R-137 15 K Wire Wound, 2 watt Potentiometer RP17-15K

R-138 10 K Same as R-102

R-139 1000 M ohms Composition, +w. 2% Resistor R37-10g

R-142 68 K ohms Deposited Carbon, &w. 1% Resistor R12-66K

R-143 Same as R-142

R-144 10 K ohms Deposited Carbon, fw. 1% Resistor R12-10K

R-145 Same as R-144

R-146 Same 88 R-102

R-147 150 K Ohms Deposited Carbon, &I. 1% Resistor R12-150K

R-146 30 K ohms Deposited Carbon, $v. 1% Resistor RlZ-30K

R-149 10.67 ohms Deposited Carbon, $w. 1% Resistor RlZ-10.67

R-150 96 ohms Deposited Carbon, fw. 1% Resistor RlZ-96

R-151 10 ohms Deposited Carbon, 4~. 1% Resistor R12-10

R-152 100 ohms Carbon, Printed Circuit Potentiometer RP12-100

R-153 9.9 K ohms Deposited Carbon, l/2 W. 1% Resistor RlZ-9.9K
R-154 9 M ohms Deposited Carbon, 4~. 1% Resistor R12-9M

R-155 150 K ohms Composition, fw. 10% lIea iator Ill-150X

R-156 667 K ohms Deposited Carbon, +I. 1% Resistor RlZ-667

R-157 233 K ohms Deposited Carbon, $v, 1% Resistor R12-233K

R-158 66.7 K ohms Deposited Carbon, +w. 1% Resistor R12-66.7X

R-159 23.3 K ohms Deposited Carbon, kw. 1% Resistor RlZ-23.3K

R-160 Same as R-109


VI-4 0564R

Desig. Description Part No.

R-161 Same BS R-106

R-162 Same PB R-131

R-163 33.3 K ohms Dspoeited Carbon, 'rw. 1% Resistor R12-33.3K

R-164 9.9K ohms Deposited Carbon, l/2 w. 1% Resistor RlZ-9.9K

R-165 2 M ohms variable Resistor RPIA-2l.f -

R-166 0. E. Thyrite Resistor RT-1

R-167 33 K ohme Composition, $w. 10% Resistor M-33X

R-168 47 ohms Composition, h. 10% Resistor Rl-47

R-169 Same as R-168

R-170 8.2 K ohms Composition, 2 w. 10% Resistor R3-S.2K

R-171 1 K ohma Composition, 1 w. 10% Resistor R2-1X

R-172 Same as R-121

RF-101 Rectifier RF-18

RF-102 Same PS RF-101

RF-103 Same .LI RF-101

RF-104 Same aa RF-101

RF-105 Recfifisr, matched with W-l.06 1416a.i
RF-106 Rectifier, matched with RF-105 14163A
RF-107 Rectifier, matched with ~~-108 14168~
RF-108 Rectifier, mstxhed with RF-ID7 14168A
RF-109 ~Rectifier RF-20

RF-110 Rectifier RF-20
SW-1 Range Switch SW-7s

SW-2 Power Switch SW-24

T-l Power Transformer TR-30

0564R VI-5

Circuit I~
Desig. Dercription Part NO.
V-l - Vacuum Tube EV &3iM &I=24

6 Vicuum Tube
v-3 same ** v-2

v-4 l&AT7 Vacuum Tube EV 12-AT7

VI-6 0564R
