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INFORMATION January 14, 1966
___ -- EXCHANGE 16 Pages



Mr. Tom Scharf
IBM School
Gladengvn. 3 B
Etterstad, Oslo


This paper is in the author's original form.
The objective in providing this copy is to
keep you informed in your field of interest.
Please do not distribute this paper to persons
outside the Company.


Instructions for use of this list
This list was originally compiled in norwegian * by the
author while working as a programmer at Storebrand Insurance Labels ending with OON indicate DTF or Macroinstruction
Company, Oslo, in early 1963 before a good many changes had labels which can be any number 002,003,004 etc. depending on the
been made to the system and the author has no pretentions that position in the program relative to any other macros.
this list is complete or correct. However experience has shown Labels ending in 001 all belong to DIOCS routines because
that it is very complete and quite correct enough to provide very it is always the first macro. (DIOCS is macro 55555 in your library)
time-saving and useful information while analyzing errors or Labels beginning with 10C are usually associated with DIOCS
studying the system logic. Labels which did not normally appear routines and are primarily labels external to the DIOCS. That is
in the authors own programs were picked out from the macro listing some DTF, OPEN or other IOCS macro, or user coding according
for completeness and an attempt was made to ascertain the labets to the manual (see IOCUXT in connection with exits for example)
function from that list. needs to refer to the label.
The following abreviations will be used to indicate where the
The author would like to recommend as a companion tool label definition is valid.
to this paper, another paper by the same author PRI printer files (DTF's)
"1401 Tape IOCS Advanced Notes (Tie 6503- 0057)" PUN punch files
where a more complete discussion of the functions of important REA reader files
fields and labels is attempted. TAB DTF table
IFX input fixed length files
I hope this list will stimulate readers to compile similar OFX output fixed length files
lists for other systems if these lists are not found in published OVU output variable unblocked files
IBM literature- if for no other reason than that it is an excellent OVB output variable blocked files
way to learn about a system in considerable detail and thus be well IVU input variable unblocked files
armed for future system trouble shooting.
Caution this list is relevant only for non-overlap programs
compiled with a tape-oriented compiler. Tape programs compiled
on a disk compiler (1311 ) have different labels.

* available upon request from author
During translation the author has utilized the opportunity to make some
corrections and to enlarge extensively upon the explanations. The author
feels that the present document is much more reliable and much clearer than
the original document, and is to be preferred.

- 1 - - 2 -
ERI Resets error count after 50 read attempts and a halt.
Press start for new try.

ER2 Resets error count after 30 write attempts and a halt.
LABELS BEGINNING WITH IOC Press start for a new try.

ER3 Resets error count after 10 erase attempts. Halt 3010.
ACT A little subroutine which puts an liN" (NOP) at the DTF Press start for further attempts.
file name address (first instruction in DTF routine) to
open the file. ERC Halt when one tries to close a file which has not been
ALT Alternate tape number. Exchanged with IOCTAP. As
returned to the DTF table after alternate tape switching ERO 3 instructions which end the CLEAN routine with a last
operations. read tape instruction before proceeding to process, bypass,
s can or dump options.
ASC I pos. counter for testing a max. of 10 erase tape tries.
ERR One pos. counter backet for testing of total read/write
BLK Block count contents for file being handled by DIOCS. errors during a given Get/Put etc.
See IOCS manual for us e
FES A WM switch. ON while FEORL routine is engaged by
BYP One pos. GMARK/WMARK used to skip possible tape mark this macro.
after leader label.
FSW A WM switch. ON while file serial number is blank in the
BYX Exit instruction from checkpoint record routine. file being considered.

CRE EOR condition sensed during an erase. Error routine. HSH 10 pos. bucket for hash total while file is being worked on
Halt nr. 3900 depress start to continue. by DIOCS routines.

CLE Part of tape error routine, where IRG generated GMARK HSW A WM switch. ON when the file being handled by DIOCS
in input area is removed in the case of a noise record. has no hash total.
This routine restores noise record count and goes to a
reread. IDT 10 pos. bucket for leader label ident. while corresponding
file is being DIOCS handled.
CRD 5 position area for creation date (65001 etc.) while a
particular file is being worked on by DIOCS. KBY A subroutine for sensing the H CHKPT checkpoint records.

DAC A little subroutine which closes a files DTF routine by LEN A Label which is an alternative (or substitute for) IOCONR
moving a "B" (branch around the DTF routine) on the first as a referense point when the CLEAN routine is not present.
DTF instruction. A branch to IOCLEN&4 {see IOCNRR routine} is a branch
to DUMP tape, BYPASS or PROCESS routines.
DGM Beginning of dump tape error routine
LOS A WM switch. ON when CLOSE routine has been activated.
DRR Part of tape error (write) routine where error count is
bumped and tested. LOZ Entrance to CLOSE routine

DSW A switch used by the CLEAN routine so that it can exit LVE Exit routine for OPEN, CLOSE, end of reel and forced end
from the comb. R/W routine after noise record test but be- of reel routines. Its' primary objective is to return the updated
fore error test. file information (such as reel count) to the DTF table. It
restores x3 and places the N or B on the DTF routine entrance
ECK Entrance to tape Read/Write subroutine from error routines in order to open or close the file when called for.
for B YPASS option
MPR Routine in R/Write subroutine which tests for noise records
END Address of 1st available position after last IOCS routine in (tape records of only 1 to 12 positions.)
NPR B 000 exit from joint Read/Write subroutine after this is
ENT Entrance for CLOSE, OPEN, EOR, FEORL, so that DTF table through (often a us eful point to examine in core to find out
data is moved to IOCPSV area for DIOCS routine use. Exit the address of the routine which last called the read write
from the routine is also initia